832.802.8861 info@1820marketing.com

Season One

Creating Community

with Dorian & Jake

A podcast designed to bring area leaders, business owners and others together to better our community.

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We hope you are able to pick up one or two nuggets of information from our podcast. If you like what you hear, we would appreciate a positive review on whatever podcast format you listen to us.

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Dorian and Jake know they talk to a lot of people, and we know you enjoy it. But, there is not a lot of opportunities for our viewers to ask questions of them. This is you opportunity.

In an upcoming episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake, the guys will sit down and answer questions from the listening community. If you have a question you would like Dorian and Jake to answer, please click on the Submit Question link to submit your questions. We want to do an update on how things are going but we’re really like to hear from you.

Ask Dorian & Jake
Bryan Chaffin 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 40 – Bryan Chaffin

In this Best of episode

Our last Best of before Season 2 kicks off, this episode’s a little different. Bryan Chaffin reflects on his life as a teacher, husband and adoptive father. His faith took him and his wife to Uganda for adoption and led to not only adoption but numerous miracles along the way.

We loved the opportunity to have him on the podcast and we hope you love his story as much as we did!

Joe Perez 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 39 – Joe Perez

In this Best of episode

Joe Perez joins Dorian and Jake to discuss marketing, his show Texas Chronicles, and why it’s important that the show be a blessing and not an advertisement.

Stay up to date with Texas Chronicles:
Texas Chronicles on Facebook
Texas Chronicles on Instagram
Texas Chronicles on Twitter
Texas Chronicles Website

And you can find previous episodes of Creating Community on your favorite podcast player or at 1820marketing.com/podcast.

Christina Strickland 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 38 – Christina Strickland

In this Best of episode of Creating Community, we are speaking with Christina Strickland, the owner and operator of Texas Sno Fruit, a local Shave Ice food truck, located in the heart of Downtown Alvin. We talk about starting a business in the wake of a pandemic and how to survive and even thrive.

Judge Matt Sebesta 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 37 – Judge Matt Sebesta

In this “best of…” episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake, we are joined by Judge Matt Sebesta as he discusses what lead to him becoming the County Judge, his time running the county, and the importance of volunteerism.

***Recorded prior to the winter weather storm***

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast, find out more about them at 1820marketing.com.

Special thanks to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to use your facility to record this podcast. Find out more about the Chamber here.

Aimee Shelton 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 36 – Aimee Shelton

In this “best of…” episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake, we are speaking with Aimee Shelton. Aimee is the owner of Emergence Functional Nutrition, a nutrition practice focusing on preventable lifestyle diseases.

In this episode, Aimee mentioned a book titled Changing for Good, by James O. Prochaska. If you click on this link, or the image to the right, you’ll be taken to Amazon where you can purchase the book directly.

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SE 01 – EP 35 – Cheyenne Moore

New Realtor, New Homeowner and New Mom, Cheyenne Moore sits down with Dorian & Jamie, who filled in for Jake, to discuss how she navigates through life with all that is going on with her.

She explains how she got started in apartment marketing through social media in college and how that got her to where she is today.

If you’re in the market for selling, buying or renting, you can contact Cheyenne at Cheyenne@GritRealty.com or by phone at (281) 928-5793.

*Special thank you to Jamie for filling in for Jake this week.

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SE 01 – EP 34 – Michael Hebert, Gulf Coast CASA

Gulf Coast CASA Recruiter, Michael Hebert joins Dorian and Jake to discuss CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Brazoria County. She talks about why she chose to go into the non-profit field and she opens up about family and the impact hers has had in her life.

In her role as a recruiter, she tells us about CASA’s role as it relates to children. If you would like to volunteer with CASA, you can visit their website at CASA-MW.org. To stay up-to-date, follow them on Facebook or Instagram

Upcoming Events: Virtual Casino Night – August 5th and Color me CASA 5k Color Run and Children’s Dash – September 16th.

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SE 01 – EP 33 – Allison Hicks, Allison Ruth Photography

Photographer Allison Hicks, joins Dorian and Jake to discuss her passion for photography. She talks about her leap of faith into the world of full-time photography and opens up about the loss of her younger sister at 17 and how her family is honoring her memory.

For more information, or to book a photo session, visit AllisonRuthPhotography.com or email Allison directly at HicksAllisonR@gmail.com.

Facebook – @AllisonRuthPhotography
Instagram – @AllisonRuthPhoto
Ashley Charlotte Hicks Scholarship Opportunities

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SE 01 – EP 32 – Dr. Christal Albrecht, President of Alvin Community College

Dr. Christal Albrecht joins Dorian and Jake to reflect on her career, the importance of education and more. It was a pleasure to sit down with her as she wraps up her tenure as president of Alvin Community College.

To learn more about Alvin Community College visit alvincollege.edu.

Fred Ortiz, Help Inc
SE 01 – EP 31 – Carol Nelson, Alvin ISD Superintendent

Alvin ISD Superintendent Carol Nelson joins Dorian and Jake to discuss the districts response to COVID, the path to becoming superintendent, her faith, and more in this jam packed episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake.

Learn more about Alvin ISD at AlvinISD.net.

This podcast is a production of 1820 Marketing, to sponsor this podcast please email info@1820marketing.com.

Fred Ortiz, Help Inc
SE 01 – EP 30 – Kristin Bulanek, Brazoria County Tax Assessor and Collector

Our guest on this episode is Kristin Bulanek who is the Brazoria County Tax Assessor and Collector. A lot goes into the role of assessing and collecting taxes and she dives into the nuances of the role and how she strives to provide remarkable customer service.

Learn more about the Brazoria County Tax Assessor and Collectors office at brazoriacountytx.gov/departments/tax-office.

To sponsor this podcast please contact us at info@1820marketing.com.

Fred Ortiz, Help Inc
SE 01 – EP 29 – Joe Rinehart, Brazosport ISD Trustee

Joe Rinehart, former Mayor of Lake Jackson and current Brazosport ISD Trustee, sits down with Dorian and Jake to discuss the importance of schools for students as well as the community at large.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast and would love if you shared the podcast to let others know about it.

Get it where ever you get your podcast Thursday or visit on this website.

Fred Ortiz, Help Inc
SE 01 – EP 28 – Fred Ortiz, Help Inc

On this episode we’re joined by Fred Ortiz, Owner of Help, Inc. They provide resources for people throughout Brazoria County and we were excited to sit down with him to discuss his career and new business.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast and would love if you shared the podcast to let others know about it.

Ariel Lara 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 27 – Ariel Lara, Warrior’s Refuge

In this episode, Dorian & Jake chat with Ariel Lara of The Warriors Refuge and Ariel Lara for Lake Jackson City Council. She talks about her childhood, her desire to serve, how The Warriors Refuge helps vets and why she wants to be one of Lake Jackson’s City Councilmembers.

Get it where ever you get your podcast Thursday or visit this page.

Russ Bynum
SE 01 – EP 26 – Russ Bynum, Pomona by Hillwood Communities

Russ Bynum with Pomona by Hillwood Communities, sits down with Dorian and Jake to discuss master planned communities and the history of Pomona.

Learn more about Pomona at pomonabyhillwood.com.

This podcast is produced by 1820 Marketing, we also design websites and produce award winning videos.

Bryan Chaffin 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 25 – Congressman Troy Nehls

Congressman Troy Nehls joins Jake for the podcast this week to discuss his career in law enforcement, being a freshman Congressman and his experience during the capital riots.

To learn more about Congressman Nehls visit:

1820 Marketing produces podcasts, designs website, and creates videos.

Bryan Chaffin 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 24 – Kristi Belluomini, Brazoria County Alliance for Children

The Brazoria County Alliance for Children’s Executive Director Kristi Belluomini joins Jake to discuss Child Abuse Awareness Month and how listeners can support this important work to help protect our area children.

Produced by 1820 Marketing.

Learn more about the BCAC at:
BCAC on Facebook

Bryan Chaffin 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 23 – Bryan Chaffin, A Mirical Story

This episode’s a little different. Bryan Chaffin reflects on his life as a teacher, husband and adoptive father. His faith took him and his wife to Uganda for adoption and led to not only adoption but numerous miracles along the way.

We loved the opportunity to have him on the podcast and we hope you love his story as much as we did!

1820 Marketing produced Creating Community with Dorian and Jake and you can find more episodes on this page.

Breah Knape
SE 01 – EP 22 – Breah Knape, Executive Director of Actions, Inc.

Breah Knape joins us on this episode to discuss the work of Actions Inc, helping out our senior population, and what its like to do all of it during a pandemic and with less funding.

Learn more about the great work Actions Inc does on their website.

1820 Marketing produces Creating Community with Dorian & Jake and we’d love it if you took a moment and shared the podcast with a friend.

Thank you to our sponsors Parker White of Nuvilla Realty and the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce.

Need help with your marketing? Email us at info@1820Marketing.com to see how we can help you.

Roy Castillo 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 21 – Roy Castillo, Justice of the Peace

A Justice of the Peace does a lot different things, and Roy Castillo is proud to serve as Precinct 3 Place 2’s JP. From working at the original Ron Carter, to time as a City of Pearland jailer and police officer, Castillo has lived and served his community for decades.

Learn about what a JP’s daily routine is like, what lead him to seek the position, and how policing has changed since he started in this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast.

Larry Buehler 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 20 – Larry Buehler, Economic Development Director

What does “economic development” actually mean? On this episode Dorian and Jake sit down with Larry Buehler, the City of Alvin’s Director of Economic Development & Government Relations.

Thank you to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for letting us come in and record.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast, learn more about them at 1820marketing.com.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast, learn more about them at 1820marketing.com.

Mayor Kevin Cole Podcast Episode
SE 01 – EP 19 – Kevin Cole, Pearland Mayor

What goes into the decision to run for a position held by the same person for almost 30 straight years? How do you navigate change, make the job your own, and still honor the legacy of the past? These are challenges newly elected Pearland Mayor Kevin Cole faces – in addition to a pandemic and winter storms.

The answer? With faith, a close knit group of friends to keep him accountable, and a background in local governance that gave him valuable insight.

Thank you to Mayor Cole for taking the time to sit down with us and to the City of Pearland for allowing us to use their council chambers to record.

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast, learn more about them at 1820marketing.com.

Kevin Sitta Podcast Episode
SE 01 – EP 18 – Kevin Sitta, Sitta Beer Works and IT Guru

In this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake we sit down with Kevin Sitta, an IT professional and award winning home brewer.

We discuss how IT has changed so rapidly in the span of a single year, hobby’s that have turned into something bigger and one that didn’t, and finally his passion for the art and science of beer brewing.

Creating Community with Dorian and Jake is produced by 1820 Marketing.

Find Sitta Beer Works on Facebook and Instagram.

Judge Matt Sebesta 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 17 – Judge Matt Sebesta

This week we are joined by Judge Matt Sebesta as he discusses what lead to him becoming the County Judge, his time running the county, and the importance of volunteerism.

***Recorded prior to the winter weather storm***

1820 Marketing is the producer of this podcast, find out more about them at 1820marketing.com.

Special thanks to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to use your facility to record this podcast. Find out more about the Chamber here.

Monica Flores 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 16 – Monica Flores, Money Management by Monica

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake Dorian and Jake interview Monica Flores, of Money Management by Monica and she discusses her focus on the “Sandwish Generation and her life and financial coaching for multigenerational families.

Find learn more about Monica:
Facebook – monica.flores.12576
Money Management Facebook – mmbymonica
Money Management Website – MoneyManagementByMonica.com

Thank you to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to record this episode from your offices. To learn more about the Chamber visit alvinmanvelchamber.org.

Tyler Froberg 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 15 – Tyler “Farmer” Froberg

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake Dorian and Jake interview Tyler Froberg, affectionatly know as Farmer Froberg. He discusses his families farming legacy and his work with Hope Farms Houston.

Find learn more about Tyler “Farmer” Froberg:
Hope Farms Facebook – HopeFarmsHTX
Tik Tok – farmer.froberg
Instagram – farmer.froberg
Facebook – tyler.froberg.14

Thank you to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to record this episode from your offices. To learn more about the Chamber visit alvinmanvelchamber.org.

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SE 01 – EP 14 – Tammie Laird

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake Dorian and Jake interview Tammie Laird of Nightlights by Tammie and Elora Laird Art.

Find out more about Tammie and her projects:
Nightlights by Tammie Facebook
Elora Laird Art
Email – TammieLaird@yahoo.com
Stepping Up Journey Through Psalms*

Thank you to the Alvin Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to record this episode from your offices. To learn more about the Chamber visit alvinmanvelchamber.org.

* – Affiliate link

Bertrand Family 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 13 – Chad Bertrand

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake Dorian sits down with Pastor Chad Bertrand to discuss pastoring a church during a pandemic, how he met his wife and more great stories.

Find out more about Chad and South Park Baptist Church at:

Joe Perez 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 12 – Joe Perez

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake Dorian and Jake interview Joe Perez of Texas Chronicles; History, Mystery and Adventure.

For more information on Joe, follow him and his adventures on his History, Mystery and Adventure website, or through other social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube. Make sure to ‘subscribe’ because you don’t want to miss what his has to say.

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SE 01 – EP 11 – 2020 Recap

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and JakeDorian and Jake interview… Dorian and Jake. We take stock of the past year, give some insight into how we got where we are and what the future looks like.

We’re so excited that you’ve come with us on this journey and we hope you enjoy hearing a little bit about the behind the scenes at 1820.

Creating Community Podcast 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 10 – Best of Creating Community

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake we replay some highlights from a couple of previous episodes; Aimee Shelton and Parker White, to give you a small sample of what our podcast is all about. Make sure to subscribe to be notified of new episodes when they are released.

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SE 01 – EP 09 – Merry Christmas

No full episode today but we did want to tell you thank you to all of our listeners and let you know next week we have a special highlights episode we think you’ll enjoy.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

Dan Davis 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 08 – Dan Davis

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake we talked with Councilman Dan Davis of the City of Manvel. Dan shares with us his philosophy about city government and why he chose to enter into politics. Dan also discusses how his role a a local realtor meshes with his council role. For more information, please visit DanDavisJr.com.

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SE 01 – EP 07 – Jamie Scaffidi

On this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake we talked with Jamie Scaffidi, the new President/CEO of the Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce. It was a great conversation and if anyone was ever curious about why you should join a chamber this episode will answer it.

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SE 01 – EP 06 – Ryan Knape

In this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake, we are speaking with Ryan Knape. Ryan Knape is the co-owner of Knape Beef along with his wife and his parents. He sits down to talk with Dorian and Jake about growing up in Alvin and getting into the family business of ranching by way of of working at a bank.

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SE 01 – EP 05 – Happy Thanksgiving

Hey everyone, we hope you enjoyed the double sized episode last week. There’s no new episode this week so we can spend time with our families for Thanksgiving but we’ll be back next week.

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SE 01 – EP 04 – Rick Cherry

In this episode of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake, we are speaking with Rick Cherry. Rick’s dad was the founder of what eventually became Cherry Companies in 1952. Rick and his three brothers ultimately took over the company when is father was ready to leave. Rick is now retired after ­­42 years in the business.

Aimee Shelter 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 03 – Aimee Shelton

In this episode of Creating Community, we are speaking with Aimee Shelton. Aimee is the owner of Emergence Functional Nutrition, a nutrition practice focusing on preventable lifestyle diseases.

In this episode, Aimee mentioned a book titled Changing for Good, by James O. Prochaska. If you click on this link, or the image to the right, you’ll be taken to Amazon where you can purchase the book directly.

*Affiliate Links

Parker White 600 x 600
SE 01 – EP 02 – Parker White

In this episode of Creating Community, we are speaking with Parker White. Parker is a real estate agent at Nuvilla Realty in Manvel, Texas. We talk about transitioning from the military to an entirely new career.

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SE 01 – EP 01 – Christina Strickland

In this episode of Creating Community, we are speaking with Christina Strickland, the owner and operator of Texas Sno Fruit, a local Shave Ice food truck, located in the heart of Downtown Alvin. We talk about starting a business in the wake of a pandemic and how to survive and even thrive.

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